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Energy saving day

Compressed air is used for the majority of industrial applications. It is estimated that, on average, the energy required for the generation of compressed air has a weight of about 20% of the total consumption of a company.

Of this amount, about a third could be saved through three types of synergistic actions:
✅ use of suitable products
✅ component sizing
✅ measurement of consumption and losses, followed by corrective actions.

To mark tomorrow's International Day of Energy Saving, Metal Work offers a series of products and digital components specifically dedicated to reducing energy consumption.

Find out more: https://www.metalwork.it/pneumatic-components/green-deal-0061373.html

#energysaving ‪#‎internationalenergysavingday #compressedair #energy #automation #industrialautomation

Metal Work Sverige AB
Modemgatan 7
235 39 Vellinge
Vellinge kommun
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