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Embedded Security – Serie of 5 movies

Recab presents a serie of 5 movies from our partner Concurrent Technologies. Focus area for the movie are "Embedded Security" - below you see a short presentation.

Below you see a short presentation for the movies within the series of Embedded Security: 
⇒ 1/5: UEFI, more commonly knows as Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, is is a specification for a software program that connects a computer’s firmware to its operating system. In this short video presentation we will be looking at UEFI in a bit more detail.

⇒  2/5: Trusted Platform Module, more commonly known as TPM, is designed to provide hardware-based, security-related functions. In this short video presentation, we will look at the TPM system in a bit more detail.

⇒  3/5: The Guardian Security package is designed to significantly improve processor board security to make them suitable for deployment in sensitive applications. It ties together specific hardware features with a range of software functionality to deter tampering and to lock access to intellectual property. In this short video presentation we will be looking at the Guardian Security Package in a bit more detail.

⇒  4/5: Intel Boot Guard is an early boot stage safe guard that Intel has introduced in recent processor architectures. In this short video presentation we will look at some further details about Boot Guard.

⇒  5/5: Intel Boot Guard is an early boot stage safe guard that Intel has introduced in recent processor architectures. In this short video presentation we will look at some further details about Boot Guard.

Link to Playlist Embedded Security here

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