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Automation. Cold chain logistics by Gipo

Current opening for Grinder July 16, 2024 13:52 Current opening for assembler May 20, 2024 09:27 Automation. Cold chain logistics by Gipo Presented project was carried out by Gipo for a global seafood producer in Denmark. Project included over 100 m of transport line, consisting of roller conveyors for which 700 pieces of rollers, turntables and two lifts. Automatic line (43 pieces of gearmotors) is equipped with control and safety systems.

Gipo’s conveyors, transport lines equipment and special machines are manufactured to individual orders. We adapt, modify, improve and expand solutions to meet each customer’s requirements. 
At Gipo, we specialize in customizing equipment and conveyors to meet each customer’s unique needs, providing the optimal solution for smoothly transporting all goods. We manufacture single units and fulfill serial orders of conveyors. We match the conveyor to an existing solution or to a newly created project.

We operate comprehensively and in one place. From concept, through design and implementation. Gipo’s goal is to develop solutions that enhance functionality, safety, efficiency, and cost savings in production and warehouse processes. According to the customer’s needs, we are able to implement any project, including transportation, installation, SAT and operator training. Watch video >>

Contact us to learn more about our offer contact@gipo.eu

Gipo Sp. z.o.o.
Bohaterów Warszawy 35
75-211 Koszalin


Alicja Zawojek

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